2019 was an amazing year for our Codica team. Apart from having delivered multiple successful projects and starting a collaboration with new clients, we published a lot of high-quality articles, attended many valuable conferences and events, and visited many beautiful countries.
It is a perfect time to summarize everything that happened to us throughout the year and provide you with some valuable and interesting flashbacks. In this article, we want to share the recap of what has happened to us during the past year.
Got listed by rating & review agencies
One of the biggest evidence of our successful project delivery to the clients is the recognition and listing by such well-known agencies as Clutch, GoodFirms, AppFutura, Top App Development Companies, and others. During the past year, we have received the following gratifying rewards:
- Named among highest-rated B2B service providers in Ukraine;
- Listed among Top 10 Ruby on Rails software houses;
- Named among top 10 web development companies in Ukraine;
- Listed among top 50+ web development companies in Ukraine;
- Named among top web developers in Ukraine;
- Listed among best software development agencies;
- Named the top software development company;
- Listed among top custom software development firms.
Delivered successful projects and received reviews from our clients on Clutch and GoodFirms
Apart from the received rewards, there is one more proof source of our prosperous software development. We mean famous review and rating services that publish lists of the most trustworthy companies based on such criteria as market presence, corresponding experience, and verified client feedback. During this year, we have delivered successful projects within such domains as SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), custom online marketplaces, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and UX/UI design.
As a result, in 2019, we got 5 reviews from our customers for whom we have successfully delivered custom software solutions. Here are they:
The review from our customer for whom we created an enhanced finance analytics platform.
Our feedback from our client for whom we built an extensive online travel marketplace website.
The review from our customer for whom we built the multi-vendor marketplace application architecture, UI/UX design, and backend part.
The feedback from our client for whom we delivered an MVP for B2B customers that interact with vendors. Our services included UX/UI design, front- and back-end development, and QA services.
The review from our customer and partner for whom we delivered several successful projects.
Held meetings with clients
Although working remotely, our Codica family loves in-person meetings with customers as they allow specify all the possible details and nuances in a constructive way and on-site.
Throughout 2019, our teams have participated in different workshops with clients. Here are some of them:
- Workshops with clients in Tel Aviv, Israel;
- Workshops with customers in Rotterdam, the Netherlands;
- Project discovery with clients in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Apart from that, we were happy to welcome our customers to our office.
Published 31 articles on the company's blog
Do you like staying up-to-date about the latest development, technology, entrepreneurship, design, and management trends and news? Our Codica blog does its best to provide you with the most relevant, valuable, and freshest information about custom software development.
We are working hard on creating highly-quality content, and during 2019, we have posted 31 articles within 6 categories. Let’s cover the most popular ones.
- How to Implement Elasticsearch When Developing a Rails Web App
- 4 Useful Git Commands That Will Make Your Life Easier
- Vue vs React: Choosing the Best Tool for Your Project in 2019.
- How to Build a Multi-Vendor Marketplace Website Like Amazon
- Market Networks: the Future of Service Marketplaces?
- How to Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
- Online Marketplace Design: Why UI/UX Matters
- Hot Web Design Trends of 2019
- 5 Key Principles for a User-Friendly Website.
Codica way:
- How We Built a Slack Bot for Time Tracking with Vue.js and Ruby on Rails
- 5 Powerful Tips to Become a Successful Project Manager
- Codica Named Top Web Development Company in Ukraine by Clutch.
- What Does Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Development Mean? (Definition)
- Top 10 E-commerce Marketplace Development Trends 2019-2020
- 4 Main JavaScript Development Trends in 2019.
Additionally, we have started a monthly newsletter in 2019. It allows our subscribers to stay up-to-date about the most recent articles published.
Attended 10 events
6 tech and business-related conferences and meetups
At Codica, we consider visiting industry-specific conferences and meetups as one of the perfect ways to have a great time with benefits. During the past year, our teams have attended the following list of tech and business-related events:
- 3 Project Management events and workshops;
- RubyC - a yearly conference for Ruby on Rails developers in Kyiv, Ukraine;
- KharkivCSS - a yearly conference for Frontend Developers in Kharkiv, Ukraine;
- ITEM 2019 - a yearly conference for business owners in the tech domain in Dnipro, Ukraine.
4 Careers Events
Every year, the Codica team participates in job fairs at different universities in our city. There we present the company and look for young and high-potential talents to offer them career start opportunities.
During 2019, we have participated in 4 job fairs:
- At V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in April;
- At Kharkiv Airspace University in April;
- At V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in November;
- At Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in November.
Debuted speaking at a design meetup
In 2019, our experienced web designer Inessa spoke at Kharkiv UI/UX Club #4 2019 about the main mistakes that web designers make and shared advice on how to solve them. This experience was extremely valuable for her, and it definitely became a starting point of attending interesting events as a speaker.

Participated in out-of-office activities
Apart from hard work and dedication, the Codica family also loves team building and outdoor activities. They allow us to relax, spend time in a great company, forget about coding and other responsibilities. With the help of such events, our teams recover their strengths and come back to work with renewed vigor.
Here are some of our events for the past year.
Participated in Bicycle Day Kharkiv 2019
Played paintball with the team
Played beach volleyball
Had a relaxing picnic by the river
Organized an awesome roof party
Visited 13 countries
Codica team loves traveling as it allows us to elevate the mind, disconnect from daily life, and it pushes out of the comfort zone. Our employees try to visit new countries, regions, and continents every year.
In 2019, Codica family reached out to 13 countries:
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Chech Republic
- Egypt
- Greece
- Italy
- Poland
- Portugal
- Spain
- Thailand
- The Netherlands
- UAE.
Here you can see some images from the vacation of our team all over the world.
Published 600+ social posts
At Codica, we try to keep our followers, clients, and partners up-to-date with the company’s news, achievements, and activities, as well as industry news and trends. Using well-known social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, we regularly publish posts about our office life, new articles, attended conferences, visited countries, and so on.
To be precise, let’s take a look at some numbers reached by the end of 2019:
Created 35 GitHub repositories
Our development team takes care of the code quality that we provide to customers. We try to make the code readable, maintainable, and sustainable for further support and enhancements. Moreover, our developers publish their best practices, samples, libraries, and other solutions to help other programmers simplify their software development process.
Among our most popular GitHub repositories, we can list the following ones:
- Mina-multideploy
- Vue-timebot
- Rails-app-best-practice
- React-app-best-practice
- Vue-app-best-practice
- Ansible-best-practice.
Continued helping others
Codica family loves supporting different social initiatives and charity works. We have been helping the organization called "Orphans of Kharkiv" which is dedicated to supporting orphans and kids from families in need.
In 2019, our team supported the social organization to take kids for holidays to the Carpathian Mountains. Children spent time having many outdoors activities, swimming, drawing, singing, boosting their creativity. Finally, kids made lots of fond memories.
We try to support different social organizations and initiatives to make our world slightly better.
Kept our holidays’ traditions
At Codica, we have been following two traditions for many years - organizing a Secret Santa event and a photoshoot during the last working days of the current year. All employees get the name of their colleagues to prepare a gift for them and put it under our beautiful New Year’s tree. This game is completely anonymous.
As a result, our Codica family gathers together to share and enjoy the gifts, and to make some beautiful new-year photos.
Holidays spirit in the office
Secret Santa gifts
The traditional New Year Photoshoot
2019 and beyond
2019 has been simply amazing, and full of positive emotions and achievements for us, and we are looking for even more customer reviews, complex projects, interesting conferences, fun outdoor activities, and beautiful countries to see in 2020.
May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements and a lot of inspiration in your life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness!