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How to Build a Marketplace Website in 16 Steps: The Ultimate Guide | Codica
23 min
December 12, 2023
How to Build a Marketplace Website in 16 Steps: The Ultimate Guide
Starting your online marketplace is an exciting experience, but it might feel confusing. Surely, a marketplace website launch can be chaotic, especially when you do not know where to start. To make things easier, we created a list of steps to take.
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How to Build a Minimum Viable Product in 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Startup Founders | Codica
36 min
March 11, 2024
How to Build a Minimum Viable Product in 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Startup Founders
In the software development world, MVP stands for minimum viable product and, in fact, is one of the most crucial steps when it comes to developing any product. From cost minimization to risk mitigation, MVP has numerous benefits to offer.
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How to Build a SaaS Product: Step-by-Step Guide | Codica
19 min
December 08, 2023
How to Build a SaaS Product: Step-by-Step Guide
With the growing of SaaS products, more businesses eagerly use such technologies and implement them in their working environment. Understanding SaaS benefits impossible without a proper understanding of the technology itself.
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How to Build a Marketplace Website
How to build a MVP
How to Build a SaaS Product
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Post: Chrome Dev Summit 2018: Event Highlights | Codica
7 min
January 04, 2019
Google Chrome Dev Summit 2018: Event Highlights
What’s new in web development? In our article, we cover the highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2018 on updates, trends, Google’s new projects and initiatives.
Post: 7 Reasons to build your startup with Ruby on Rails | Codica
9 min
October 23, 2018
7 Reasons to Use Ruby on Rails for Your Startup
Not sure what technology to choose for building your startup? Discover 7 reasons why Ruby on Rails is the best choice for startups.
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Post: Tools that will boost your remote team productivity | Codica
10 min
October 10, 2018
Working Remotely: Key Online Collaboration Tools for Great Results
Managing a remote team may be challenging. However, choosing the right online collaboration software will make your work smooth and easy.
Post: Implementing Agile: Our Experience | Codica
7 min
September 07, 2018
Agile at Codica: How We Deliver Great Web Products
In this article we will give you insight into introducing Agile into our work. We successfully used Agile approach for many projects, and this is what we learned