Company logo | Codica

Important Notice!

We have received information that scammers have created fake websites using our brand logo and name to deceive people and businesses with false job offers and other fraudulent activities. Below are examples of scam website interfaces:

Important Notice | Codica
Important Notice | Codica

We warn you that scammers use different techniques. Thus, it is a scam if you encounter any of the following:

  • You are contacted via WhatsApp, Telegram, or any other messenger, and a sender offers you part-time work on behalf of Codica;
  • Someone asks for a pre-payment so you can get a job;
  • Someone says that you can return your pre-payment after fulfilling the necessary tasks.

We want to clarify thatwe do not offer part-time job opportunities via Whatsapp/Telegram.We do not ask for payments to get such part-time jobs. This is a scam if you get such offers via WhatsApp/Telegram.

What can you do to protect yourself in this situation?

If you have followed the scam offers, please read on to minimize the outcomes and protect yourself. Here are our recommendations:

  • No matter how you paid — with a debit or credit card, mobile payment app, wire transfer, gift card, cash reload card, or cryptocurrency — immediately report this: contact the company whose service you used to send money, report the fraud, and ask to have the transaction reversed if possible;
  • Report the scam users in WhatsApp and Telegram;
  • Send us the scam domain and payment account tohello@codica.comso we can proceed to the relevant blocking process.

We are doing our best to address this issue, block scam websites, and protect our brand and customers who trust us. If you encounter fraudulent activities or websites, please report them to us immediately.

What else to consider? remains our official website and the only our website. All legitimate job applications and recruitment processes are conducted through our official website on the job opening page, our official channel in Telegram, our official social media pages, and via trusted job platforms.

We urge you always to verify the URL when visiting our website and to contact us directly through our official channels if you receive any suspicious communication claiming to impersonate us.

Note that Codica concludes confidential contracts and never demands unauthorized and illegal payments. Please avoid providing your personal information and payments to fake websites.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. Stay safe and vigilant.


Dmytro Chekalin, Codica CEO